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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Way Back...

So today was the first day of classes (well actually my only day). Had little sleep the night before; or should i say morning of. I was up until 1:30 AM getting this shit uploaded to Youtube.

And then I couldn't FALL asleep until around 3...I had to get up at 6:30. Yeah, i'm always a nervous wreck the night before the first day back. At least the classes are cool and the instructors are nice.

Moving on, about the video. This is the return trip from my last video, Highway 35 North from 4 Corners in Woodside, California to Route 92. As I've stated in the YouTube description, there are a few things i'm sure people are going to take issue with in the video. Read the description for details; i honestly don't feel like paraphrasing all that even if this is my blog. Just sit back and enjoy. The video i mean. The audio is the WSSSSHHHH (wind noise) edition, driving set to badly made tunes edition will come sometime in the near future.

I'll start working on new background/banner/text color tomorrow, i'm too tired to type one more word.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just Because I Can

Shopped a pic of the eclipse, just because i can. It turns out we may be keeping it after all.


Old Wall, Old Banner

As always, uploading the previous banner and wallpaper before i apply the new ones.


Still really haven't thought of what those new ones might be; maybe car related? We'll see.

As for these photos, the banner is of the arches at the very top of Coit Tower in San Francisco. Did some vibrance to the sky, a curves to the shadows on the right side. Nothing too fancy.

The Wallpaper is of some running shoes on a telephone line in San Bruno, California. This had some shopping done. Changed the exposure/levels/curves on the soles of the shoes. Crunched the blacks in the clouds and added vibrance to the little patches of blue sky you see.

The lights on the pole got touched up; as in all of them. Enhanced some colors in the wood of the pole too. Overall i think it turned out well. It almost looks like a painting in my eyes (as in a painting on a canvas using paint, not in the "artsy fartsy-it's so DEEP it's GOOD" sense of the phrase). 

In other news, school starts on Monday. Had some issues with financial aid; as a result i'm only taking two classes this semester. Bad news in terms of graduating "that" much slower, good news in terms of i might be able to upload more photos/videos.  So we'll see how that goes.

Till next time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Seriously, I'm Not Dead

It's been 3 weeks more or less since i've uploaded anything here. I've been sorting shit out with school and the like for the upcoming semester. Don't have many photos to give you today. Instead, i have this:

Yes, that is me driving. Yes, that is my (badly made) music. The other video i uploaded (check out my Channel) had WSSSSHHHHHHHHHH wind noise everywhere, so i held off on linking it here until i put something in to replace that awful noise. So instead, i opened up the ol' FLStudio 10 and made a 3 minute loop and tried my hand at making dubstep.

As you can hear, the wub is not strong in me. Yet. Like i said in the description, it was either that or wind noise.


Also, if you've been wondering what has been going on with the site, i put in that adsense thing as my attempt to bring in some revenue.

Suffice to say, it's not going well. I doubt i will ever see much cash flow in through here, so hopefully the YouTube videos with ads will catch some momentum and bring in some of that YouTube money.

In the next couple of days i'll change the backgroound/banner/font color stuff.  So for the  meantime, just enjoy my driving video(s).


This might be cool