ad 03

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dat Banner...

Well well well, lookie here.

Decided to upload the old banner. Added a new banner, changed the background and color scheme.


Not Dead, New Backgrounds

Yeah yeah yeah i know i know. I didn't put up a new background or change the color scheme. Doing that now.

Here's the old background. Very, very little Photoshop done to this one, just a global curve adjustment layer. Shot of California Highway 35 South, the famous Skyline Boulevard down near Woodside. Awesome road to drive on. This day it was so empty on the roads (it usually is, but this day was especially traffic-free) that i stood on this spot in the middle of the road, with my tripod for a good 5 minutes snapping away before i could HEAR the car coming behind me a good 5 curves away. it is THAT peaceful and quiet. 

This is also the road that was shot for the banner at the top of the page. After the car i heard passed, i walked back to the side of the road where my car was parked, and made a wiiiide angle stretchy stitch. 

Speaking of this road, i'll probably be taking the GoPro out in a week or two (or if the weather warms up a bit) and shoot a video of the drive from the left turn on 92 all the way to 4 corners. it's a 12.5 mile drive; but i hope the drive is "interesting" enough not to warrant a time lapse. the video won't be longer than 15 minutes, i can promise you that though.

So, after this, i'll be putting up a new banner, background image, and color scheme. I may or may not upload the banner, i'll make a decision after i have Ps open.

Be Right Back.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas and whatnot...

So i had holiday duties for the past few days. Sue me. Sorry i couldn't pump out these crazy awesome pictures you all love to look at (it's funny because it looks like there hasn't bee many page views ;_; am i talking to myself here?) on a daily basis.

Moving on, I hope the few (or none...probably none) of you who look at this blog had a happy holiday for whatever festive event you celebrate this time of year. Nowadays we all have to be "politically correct" and we can't just say "Merry Christmas" like we used to when we were younger in fear of 1st amendment lawsuits being thrown at you or whatever business/company employs you.

 And yet you go into cities and towns and it looks like Santa Claus and his merry elves had a giant gang-bang up and down every block and splooged Christmas jizz all over the windows, street poles, and doors. So even if you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus (bro-fist if you got the reference) or what have you; you have to swallow that load of crap "happy holidays" every time you go to the store when all you have to do is look at the Santa hat the cashier/teller/etc wears on their head to know what they're really saying to you. 

I'm not trying to bash other religious beliefs here; i'm not even practicing one myself. I was raised in a Catholic family, but I myself find no interest in any sort of religious belief. If you happen to sway towards any religion, i'm completely fine with it. Just don't make a point to shove said belief in my face.

However, Christmas today (or at least in the U.S.A) has become synonymous with Santa Claus, the Christmas Tree, gift-giving (and receiving), Egg-Nog, and Ugly Sweaters. There is quite more to it that i could go in depth about regarding corporations influencing the psyche of the people during this time of year, but even for a blog, i won't subjugate you to statistical facts/theories and the like. There is little to no hint of the original Catholic celebration of Jesus Christ being born on that day. And if it is there, it's always 2nd potato to the aforementioned gift-wrap and stocking stuffers.

And that's what I celebrate. Not because I was raised in a Catholic family, but because we all love to decorate the house and tree, wrap up presents and tear them open and stuff ourselves silly with good grub, and hum (or sing, if you're into that sort of thing) along with classic Christmas songs.


Okay, /religious talk. About these pictures. Surely you noticed them in between all the religious babble i was spouting. First one is of Pescadaro Beach. Foggy, wet, and yes, touched up. Very rarely will i ever publish a RAW file just because it looks so bland without some shooping (or at least in my eye).

Second on down is all Pebble Beach (no, not THAT Pebble Beach). The second is a panoramic stitch of an awesome wave crashing and the cliffs to the left make a nice contrast. Even had to put my watermark on the left side because it would get wiped out (no pun intended) on the right side. Light editing to all of these, if you haven't gotten that point drilled into your skull yet.

Third is a bit further down the trail on Pebble Beach. Wide-angle stitch. LOTS of Photoshop went into this one. Curves, vibrance, multiple uses of masks, layer modes, a vignette. Looks really pretty.

The fourth is a bridge that i actually shot the 3rd one from. A wide angle stitch, but not as wide as the third. Very gentle editing. One curve adjustment layer for the foreground and a vibrance adjustment layer for the sky. Oh, and a H/S adjustment layer for the blue in the itty bitty piece of ocean you see to the right.

And speaking of Christmas, (like i haven't done it enough already) lookie what i got (please excuse the sharpened up cell phone photo, my SD card was inside the gopro)!

i didn't even ask for anything this year because jobless lifeless burden to my folks and whatnot, but this truly shocked me. I've been entering that win everything we make contest of theirs for months now and lo and behold, my parents come out of nowhere and give this to me all wrapped up for x-mas. Really thankful for them giving this to me even though they've been putting up with the way i've been for so long. So plan on looking forward to bumper/dash cam videos of me driving through some pretty roads sometime in the near future.

Maybe when the weather isn't as cold or wet, so like in a few months lol.

okay, i'm out. going to get a new background set up tomorrow and a change in font color and stuff.

"Happy Holidays".

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beaches. Beaches Everywhere.

What better way to waste your time with in this cold, cold December than looking at images of beaches wishing you were there?

Granted, this is no tropical island beach photography but still, it was warmer when i took these photos earlier in the summer than it is now. 

Remember what i said in my earlier post regarding that railroad track in Santa Cruz? the next few images i will be posting are in walking distance (literally, less than FIVE minutes. I spelled it out just so there aren't any typo inquires) of that shot. 

Immediately to the right of the tracks, there is a rocky path that leads up into this cliff that juts out of the coast. Beautiful views. Let me make clear that all of these shots aren't as touched up as the railroad shot, but they've all had light editing done to them to brighten them up a bit. The RAWS are always kind of dull looking before Photoshop has a go at them.

Walking along the edges of the cliff like a boss. (not really)

On to the left side. Neat little beach that you can actually get to if you keep walking along those tracks i mentioned earlier until you come to a path. You can't really see it in this low res, but there are about a dozen people enjoying the warm weather. Despite the overcast in the sky, it was in the 70's and a bit humid this day.

And now for an artsy-fartsy wide angle stitch.

Tomorrow I'll post pictures of another beach. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

another day, another photo...

Sorry about yesterday, folks. wasn't able to do much on the computer. So, here. have a heavily photoshopped shot of a railroad track.

Took this down in beautiful Santa Cruz, California earlier this year. This wasn't shot in the morning, or in evening. I totally changed the sky up so i could get that effect though. I'll put up some more images i took of the immediate surrounding area in the coming days. Might have to touch a few of them up before then, but i'll try to keep a steady stream of them coming along every day. 

Also, you may have noticed the new banner i have up. that's not a crop, it's a panoramic i took a few steps to the side of the background image you see on the site. I'll put up some more "stretchy" pano's in the coming weeks after i've touched them up and added the watermark. 


Monday, December 19, 2011

Out with ye Olde, In with the new...

Time to change the background and color scheme. Before i do, here is the old background i had up.

It's an aerial shot of the Golden Gate Bridge that my dad took back in the late 70's, early 80's i think? I touched it up for my first Photoshop final i had 3 semesters ago. Might work on it again sometime soon to do some more advanced re-touching, but for now it looks pretty. 

Working on new color scheme as soon as i post this one. I'm going to try and change the two every couple of days, but if time does not allow i'll do it at least once a week. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Time for Baby to go Bye Bye...

So I've shopped some pics of the Eclipse. Going to be put up for sale soon, so i might as well make it look pretty for the ad. Commencing dump.

Engine bay is pretty plain. No crazy "mawds" and no fancy wire tucks. Even the intake is stock.

Played around with Layer modes. Technically this is an HDR image as i bracketed 3 shots. I just didn't use Ps proprietary HDR Pro function and instead used a different opacity on each layer, and used aforementioned layer modes on select layers. Gave it this warm, juicy, contrast-y effect.

A pretty simple 3/4 shot. darkened up background as it was waay too hot for my liking.

Low setting Front profile. Used distortion a bit to give the car a longer, wider look. Definitely doesn't look as flat as the RAW.  Used curves and a photo filter to increase the color contrast between the red of the car and the blue/green of the sky/pavement.

Going to be asking 3500 or best offer, hope to get no less than 2750.

Also, tomorrow i will add a new background image to the site and change the color scheme to compliment it.  I'll upload a watermarked version of the previous background before i change it to the new one.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Brakes broke no more!

an early Christmas present of sorts. For me, i mean.

Got new brakes!

The way my mom put it is that she'd rather pay for new brakes than pay for a lawyer if whoever buys it get's into an accident because they didn't change them when they bought the car. Also it would've taken my dad who is super busy all the time (not even sarcasm, he's just always busy with his job) another 6-12 months to get around to doing it, so we took it to a shop to get it done in a few hours.

So check out these nice and shiny blanks. If you're wondering why the focus is so fuzzy around the edges, I used a Lensbaby Composer for that effect. Pretty cool, i should really start using that lens more often.

More photos to come soon, not just of cars but of roads and landscapes. just need to add the new watermark to them before i upload them here. Stay tuned

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Bit More About Me...

So after reading over my first post, i decided to add to the about me part a bit more.

A quick recap: i'm 23 (male. if there were any questions). Live with parents, going to expensive university i'll never be able to pay off in the San Francisco Bay Area. Jobless.

Well, not exactly quite jobless. I'm a game tester for EA (Electronic Arts) and if i qualify for the game test, i spend 2-3 days getting paid to play the vidya. This is by no means anything close to part-time or even on-call; as i have to qualify for the game test my superior calls me about before even making it onto the list. This happens maybe once or twice a year (I've only qualified for two out of five so far ;_;)

Unfortunately i cannot talk about what games I've tested as per the NDA I've signed otherwise lawyers will be called, i'd be given a bad rep and probably never ever be able to land a job because of it. All i'll say is that it's fun and i enjoy my time there, however stressful the build of the game i'm playing may be.

So although it does give me a tiny bit of income, let it be known that it's my ONLY  income as of late. I'd have to use the key word "tiny" for descriptive emphasis on it's impact towards my financial situation. The money i earned doesn't go towards a new camera, or some new video game, or even clothes. 

It goes towards paying for parking and BART tickets, and occasionally gas that i use to get to and from BART. That's it. And even then, before the semester is up, i'd be completely broke. I end up having to mooch off parents for transport costs until the next game test happens or a job (oh my, heaven forbid THAT will happen any time soon!) somehow arises after all those applications i've turned in actually pull through for once.

See kids, this is all part of the college experience. You go to college to get a job. Then you get a job to pay for college. It truly is a vicious cycle. Too bad for me i'm still stuck on that first part, while already suffering the pain of the latter. 

On occasions i DO get to drive around outside of getting to and from school, (and i do love driving and the whole aut/o/motive culture)  I like to bring my camera/tripod along with me to take some photos.

My tastes have taken a short interesting path in my photographic life. When i first started out, i loved taking panoramic images. I found out in a certain windows program you could make stitches with photos. So i started taking pictures in twos and threes and stitching them up. it was fun, and something i still do to this day (but using superior Ps instead). From architectural interiors to wide open landscapes, my shutter was snapping in 15 degree angles. 

From photographing vista's and landscapes, i became aware of my desire for driving. I started photographing the roads i drove on to get to locations i originally wanted to shoot for the view. And from that stemmed my budding (still budding, i might say) interest in photographing automobiles, be it parked and being shot from delicious angles or being thrown through a beautiful curve. and hoping i can nab that one shot that effectively uses stop-motion or motion blur. 

if you're wondering what i drive, it's this auto-tragic 97 Eclipse RS. Completely stock, no rice on this vehicle. Not to say i don't like rice; sometimes it looks good, sometimes it looks bad. 

As of yesterday, my baby is being garage kept indefinitely until we (we as in my dad or if i take it to a shop) can figure out why the pads are sticking to the rotors on the right front side, yet the rotors look clean and shiny, while the left side rotor looks like the grand canyon with all it's rivets, yet no metal on metal grinding sound can be heard from said left side. 

Anyway, once that's fixed we've decided to put it up for sale. it's been in our family for 11, almost 12 years actually. our longest running vehicle by far, and my parents have had A LOT of vehicles. 

Don't know what will come after that. Due to the current financial situation my family is in, we wont be able to get anything "new" anytime soon, oh say short of winning the lottery. I've been looking at older buckets, and trying to find something that looks somewhat affordable yet doesn't break the bank to fix/maintain. Preferably a 5speed, so it doesn't completely suck the fun out of driving. 

Although i may be a jobless, lifeless failure, i try to bear as little a burden on my parents as i can, so they'll never hear me whining or begging for a new car/clothes/games/etc. Hell, i'd rather just get the Eclipse fixed than sell it. 

Well that's my blog post for the day. Even threw in two photos. Also if you were wondering about the background, it's a touch up of one of my dad's pictures that i used for my first photoshop class' final a few semesters ago. I'll be changing the background and text color on the regular, so stay tuned for those as well.

I'm Outtie.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So a bit late to the party...

do or die time. I guess baby steps are better than nothing, right?

Hi there...

Welcome. This will be a photo blog. I'll be posting my photography here as well as trying out the blog thing as well. Never really got into it before. The page may be blank for a week or two (..or three) while i figure out how to make it look clean and find out how the ef i can make this work for me; financially speaking. As if you couldn't tell by my handle, i have little to no moneys. Eventually i'll see if i can link my dusty old paypal account to here so payments can be made for full res versions of my work. If you want them that is. If not, feel free to save low-res files because everyone LOVES those. /sarcasm.

But no, really go ahead and save them, spread them around, etc etc. I guess one of those cheesy lines i'm supposed to say as an "Artist" is that if my work makes you happy, then enjoy it*.

*while i suffer forever alone and poor

About me:

At the time of this posting, I am a 23 year old college freshman. (late start to college, looks like i should just be starting high school, i might tell you a tale of this in a future blog post) Currently attending a (very expensive) university in the San Francisco  Bay Area. Nowhere near graduation, in all honesty probably never will. I hope i'll be able to pay off even a quarter of the financial aid the feds expect me to pay back before i hit retirement age...But even that's questionable.

Still live with the parents. No big surprise for a gen-Y second child born to middle-class income parents in today's economy.  Sadly, there's a lot of people like "me" out there. Wouldn't be at all surprised if you're one of them; browsing the interwebs looking for something to pass the time. So if you are, believe me we both know that feel. If you aren't, then alt f4 right now because your boss is probably peeking in over your shoulder wondering Y U NO WORK.

Then come back when he's gone. He's gone? Good, keep on truckin'.

Started taking pictures about 2 years ago after i lost my (first and so far only) job. Bought a DSLR, only used auto, didn't even have Ps or Lr, had no idea what manual focus was.

Oh the camera is a Nikon D60 by the way. inb4 Nikon vs Canon wars.

After job loss, started going to a local community college, majored in psychology for three semesters and minored in photography in two. Yeah, a weird mix, I know. Psychology kind of took a back seat in my mind when my interest in photography outgrew my interest in learning about how a bunch of old guys taught us how to interpret out thoughts.

in regards to photography education; i found out that community college-level photo education teaches you that dark-room photography is STILL relevant and IS NOT dying, digital images don't have that "human soul" feel to them, while super expensive university photo education teaches you that digital is the new, cheaper future; dark-room photography is a costly, dying fad, only meaningful as a nostalgic skill, and that a digital image can have as much if not more "soul" than a darkroom print.

If anything, i learned that one side of each respective institution teaching ways is a stubborn old fool that refuses to get with the times, and the other is an arrogant sociopath that cant appreciate the ways of old because they are too busy being enamored with their hipster ways. And we pay them for this.

Yes, by the way, I said hipster. Probably only ever to be uttered in text form by me, in fact i don't think I've ever even spoken the word before.

Does that make me a hipster?

Anyway, this has probably been a long read for you. I don't know if i'll be able to keep it entertaining enough to warrant you wanting to read for more, or if you are only interested in the pretty pictures between the words. Seeing as how there are no photos to entertain those of you who stick around for the latter as of the typing of this post, i hope i didn't make it too boring.

I'll try to make a blog post (with a picture...hopefully) every day, but if time doesn't allow i'll be sure to do it once a week.

Seeing as how NOBODY will read this for at least a week, i think i might be able to let myself go this time.


This might be cool